Roger Stern's series
Spider-Man Noir: The Complete Collection
TPB (Part 3)
Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives (1997)
Issue #3
Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives (2011)
TPB (Part 2)
Spider-Man: Revenge of the Green Goblin (2017)
TPB (Part 5)
Issue #3
Issue #45
Issue #4
TPB 2016 Edition
Issue #2
Superman: The Exile & Other Stories Omnibus
TPB (Part 9)
Issue #1000000
Superman: The Return of Superman (1993)
TPB (Part 5)
The Amazing Spider-Man: The Origin of the Hobgoblin
TPB (Part 3)
TPB (Part 2)
The Flash: A Celebration of 75 Years
TPB (Part 5)
The Original Ghost Rider Rides Again
Issue #7
Issue #4