Tales From The Crypt (2007)

Genres: Comedy, Graphic Novels, Horror
Publisher: Papercutz
Writer: Jim Salicrup
Artist: Kyle Baker, Rick Parker
Publication date: July 2007 - July 2009
Status: Completed
Views: 181,670
"Artistic License," by horror author Marc Bilgrey and drawn by Mr. Exes, reveals how two nosy and somewhat murderous neighbors discover the shocking inspiration for Jack Kroll's outsider artwork. "For Serious Collectors Only," by Bluesman author Rob Vollmar and Teen Titans Go! artist, Tim Smith III explores just how far Thomas Donalley, a middle-aged, action figure collector, who lives in his Mom's basement, will go to get an ultra-rare Japanese figure. Introductory pages, featuring the GhouLunatics, are by Jim Salicrup and Beavis and Butt-head artist Rick Parker. Cover by award-winning artist Kyle Baker.