
Web Of Spider-Man supporting character, Nightwatch, debuts in his first true clash with Spider-Man, and tackling a major new villian! After ten years of self-imposed exile, Nightwatch returns to New Yorkt o complete the cycle of his catastrophic legacy in this new monthly series! The mysterious Nightwatch, covered in perpetual darkness by his powerful cosume, seeks answers to his origin and the loss of his long-lost love. Ten years ago, Dr. Kevin Trench mysteriously came to posses the powerful Nightwatch costume. Failing to save his love from a plane hijack, Dr. Trench hid from the world on a desolate island. His road to discovery begins with a search for the truth to his past, which happens to be our future! Standing in his way is a vicious new enemy, hellbent on keeping him from discovering the facts! Will the appearance of Spider-Man in the first issue help Nightwatch succeed, or will the truth remain hidden forever?