Marvel: Shadows & Light

This issue contains four stories.
1) "The Spoon Job" - A chemist working for Hydra catches a taxi for Kennedy airport and recalls the events just transpired. The chemist had developed a poison to counteract mutant healing factors (as well as an antidote hidden in his home), and was assigned to test it on Wolverine. A team of Hydra assassins felled Wolverine allowing the chemist to inject the X-Man. In the struggle, Wolverine slashed at the chemist, shredding only his jacket. As Wolverine battled the assassins, the chemist eluded the mutant, taking the subway, then a taxi.
Now at the airport, the chemist realizes he lost his heart pills when his jacket was ripped. From a pay phone, he dials his home. Logan answers; he knows the chemist's name and scent.
2) "Into the Tomb" - Blade has followed the trail of a stolen corpse from New Orleans to Transylvania. The trail leads from a devastated village to a killing field where all the villagers lie dead, except for one suvivor, Father Nicolas. The pair proceed to the restored Castle Dracula, and are attacked by two of the Vampire Lord's brides. Blade dispatches them, then is confronted by the corpse he's sought, the reanimated body of his own mother. The two struggle, then Nicolas chases the vampire off with his cross, only to be decapitated by Dracula. The Vampire Lord now approaches Blade. Somebody screams...