Femforce Femme Fatal: Rio Rita

She was a beautiful film star to thousands of movie fans... but she played her most dramatic part as an undercover agent for the U. S. Secret Service! Join the exciting Rita Farrar for daring missions fraught with death and danger South of the Border! Fiction House's Latin bombshell, Senorita Rio (from Fight Comics) was revived by AC Comics as Rio Rita, and as such was part of both the first feature length appearance, and first regular-series issue of their long-running Femforce title. She and her granddaughter, Rita Farrar, have remained supporting characters in the AC universe. This special-format album opens with a newly-created retro story, set in WW II Paris, where Rio goes undercover as a nightclub dancer among the Axis soldiers in "Chamber Of Death!", plotted by Nick Northey, with script and inks by Bill Black, and pencils by Brad Gorby. Then, it's actual vintage full story Golden Age Rio Rita reprints for the rest of the book, including "The Sadistic El Sangre", with art by Nick Viscardi, from Fight Comics #21," El Fuente", also with art by Viscardi, "The Knife", from Fight #46, art by Bob Lubbers, (reinked by John Dell ), and "Baron Death", from Fight #66, drawn by Jerry Garndenetti. Plus, text history by Bill Black, profusely illustrated by Lily Renee, Joe Doolin, Bob Lubbers and Jack Kamen. Sultry, sophisticated and sexy, Rio was the classic Fiction House babe. If you're interested in "good girl art" of the pinup, glamour variety, you'll want to have this book.