Captain Harlock

The people of Earth are hungry and food is in short supply. Triter, the Prime Minister of Earth, wants to turn the people against Captain Harlock and tries to blame him for destroying the ship Danata, along with its food supplies. Tadashi, a boy from earth, (whose father fought alongside Captain Halrock) gets into fisticuffs defending Harlocks name. On his way back home, Tadashi meets La Mimi for the first time, (a member of the Captains Crew) and receives a note from the Captain and some food coupons. After the Illumidas find out about the activities of Tadashi, they kill his father. Harlock has to intervene and protect Tadashi by bringing him aboard the Arcadia.
At the Illumidas Hall Of Justice, Triter, holds a trial for Tochiro, (another member of Harlocks crew) on charges of treason as a ruse to get the Captain to show up. Captain Harlock does appear, however not in his ship the Arcadia, but in the Danata. The Captain spreads the message of freedom and drops food crates to the people of Earth, along with rescuing Tochiro. Watching all of this unfold, Supreme Commander Muda swears Harlock will not leave the earth alive.